中图分类号:TU 986
Abstract: The creation of China's National Parks and Protected Areas System is at a critical stage, and it is imperative to discuss the long-term target of China's protected areas coverage. Despite 18% of China being in some type of nature protected area, with these areas playing a key role in nature conservation, biodiversity has continued to decline. One crucial reason is that there are still obvious conservation gaps, and literature review shows that only by protecting more than 50% of the China terrestrial area can we effectively protect most of the existing habitats. In the global context of Nature Needs Half Initiative and based on scientific findings at national scale and regional scale in China, the authors make a suggestion to further expand the existing protected areas network and to protect at least 50% of China's terrestrial area. The necessity and feasibility of this suggestion is illustrated. The China Nature Conservation Network (covering at least 50% of China's terrestrial area) is proposed to include National Parks as the governance model, Protected Areas System as the chief component, and other effective conservation areas as supplemental. At the same time, it is critical to achieve sustainable development on all terrestrial areas. It is proposed to move towards a new era of China's protected areas leading by this new target.
Key words: landscape architecture; protected area; national park; biodiversity; ecosystem service; Nature Needs Half; wilderness
中国正在迎来前所未有的生态文明新时代。“十九大”报告明确提出“构建国土空间开发保护制度,完善主体功能区配套政策,建立以国家公园为主体的自然保护地体系”。在此背景下,“国家公园”与“自然保护地”(Protected Area)成为我国生态保护与国土空间规划的一项核心政策。在自然保护地体系建设的关键时期,需要讨论的一个关键问题是——中国自然保护地的远景规模应该如何?即应将多大的国土面积专用或兼用于自然保护,才能真正有效地保护物种及其栖息地,并为中国经济社会的可持续发展提供必不可少的生态系统服务?本文拟对此问题展开讨论。
1 为什么研究中国自然保护地的远景规模?
生物多样性危机已成为世界各国面临的一项最大挑战。人类产生的巨大影响已经驱使地球进入“人类世”(Anthropocene),物种灭绝速率达到了背景灭绝速率的约1 000倍[1],被称为“第六次生物大灭绝”(the Six Extinction),全球各大洲的生物多样性都在持续下降,或将严重威胁人类社会的可持续发展[2-3]。中国的物种灭绝和生态系统退化情况亦不容乐观。造成这一现象的原因十分复杂,包括栖息地减少与破碎化、过度开发和利用、外来物种入侵,以及气候变化和环境污染等,其中栖息地丧失和破碎化是生物多样性减少的首要原因。
应对上述危机最有效的一项措施就是建立自然保护地网络。根据世界自然保护联盟的定义,自然保护地是“通过立法或其他有效途径识别、专用和管理的,有明确边界的地理空间,以实现长期的自然保育,以及相关的生态系统服务和文化价值保护”[4],其实质是对物种及其栖息地进行就地保护(in situ conservation),因此建立相互连通且管理有效的自然保护地网络是应对生物多样性危机的最核心策略。同时自然保护地能够为人类社会提供多种重要的生态系统服务(Ecosystem Services,包括支持服务、供给服务、调节服务和文化服务),从而支持人类社会的可持续发展。
从世界范围看,中国的生物多样性具有突出价值。作为“生物多样性特丰(megadiverse)国家”之一,中国具有物种丰富、物种特有程度高和遗传资源丰富的特点。据统计,中国拥有高等植物34 984种,居世界第3位;脊椎动物6 445种,占世界总种数的13.7%;已查明真菌种类1万多种,占世界总种数的14%。另外,中国境内尚存大量荒野景观[5-6]、重要的大型食肉动物分布区[7],以及若干具有国际重要性的生物多样性热点区[8-9]。事实上中国自然保护地在生物多样性就地保护方面已取得明显成效[10-11]。改革开放以来,我国自然保护地的数量和面积出现了大幅增长,建立了国家公园体制试点区、自然保护区、风景名胜区、地质公园、湿地公园,以及森林公园等多种类型的自然保护地[12]。至今,中国陆地自然保护地覆盖率已达18%,其中自然保护区覆盖率达14.8%[13](已界定范围边界的自然保护区达13%[14])。
2 中国自然保护地远景规模应设置为多大?依据是什么?
2.1 中国自然保护地远景规模的初步提出
2.2 提出中国自然保护地远景规模的相关依据
2.2.1 全球尺度
尽管当前全球保护地的正式目标(“爱知生物多样性目标11”)是保护17%的陆地和内陆水域、10%的海洋,然而持续不断的科学研究指出保护地球17%的区域对于保护全球生物多样性而言是远远不够的,因此需要设立更高目标。在相关科学研究的基础上,哈维·洛克(Harvey Locke)于2009年首次明确提出在全球尺度应设置至少50%的区域用于自然保护[18],第九届世界荒野大会(World Wilderness Congress)则进一步发起了全球“自然需要一半”(Nature Needs Half)的倡议,致力于与世界各国伙伴共同保护至少一半的地球面积,用以支持生态系统服务和生物多样性保护,促进人与野性自然的和谐共生[21-24]。另外,著名生物学家威尔逊(E. O. Wilson)于2016年出版著作《半个地球:人类家园的生存之战》并发起“半球项目”(Half Earth Project),呼吁将全球50%的陆地及海洋区域设置为某种形式的自然保护地,威尔逊估算这些区域能够保护85%的物种免于灭绝[25-26]。
2.2.2 国土尺度
首先,若干研究均指出了我国自然保护地存在明显的保护空缺,许多重要的自然生态系统和珍稀濒危动植物栖息地尚未得到有效保护[27-30]。例如,赵广华等指出在人类活动强度大的低海拔、高生产力地区自然保护地覆盖率过低[31-32];闻丞等指出国家级自然保护区对最受关注的濒危物种分布热点地区覆盖不足,尤其是在中国东部和南部地区[33];《中国自然观察2016》指出评估的1 085个濒危物种的保护状况整体上是变差的,其中只有66个物种栖息地被保护区覆盖超过5%[34];徐卫华等指出我国的自然保护区体系对哺乳动物及鸟类栖息地的保护关键区域覆盖比例较高,然而对植物、两栖和爬行动物的栖息地,以及主要生态系统服务的关键区域覆盖比例较低[35]。综上,由于我国自然保护地存在明显的保护空缺,因此需要进一步新建或扩建自然保护地。
其次,已有研究显示只有通过保护5 0 %以上的中国国土面积,才能够有效保护现存大部分自然栖息地,以维护高水平的生态安全格局。根据《全国生态功能区划》(2015年修编版),全国生态保护极重要区和较重要区的总面积为548.2万km2,占国土面积的57.1%,这些区域能够保护生物多样性的自然栖息地总面积的75.9%,同时提供了全国水源涵养总量的82.6%、土壤保持总量的88.3%和固沙总量的64.3%[36];另外俞孔坚等提出国土尺度高水平生物多样性保护安全格局面积为544.2万km2,占我国陆地总面积的 56.7%[37]。
2.2.3 区域尺度
2.2.4 总结
3 中国自然保护地远景规模可由哪些空间层次构成?保护国土50%的目标是否可行?
3.1 中国自然保护地网络的空间层次
3)广义自然保护性用地,是指所有兼用于自然保护的土地,不论其面积大小、产权属性或管理机制,这部分土地应用了类似于“爱知生物多样性目标11”中提出的“其他基于区域的有效保护方法”(other effective area-based conservation measures,OECMs)[63]。因此广义自然保护性用地包括但不限于城市保护地(Urban Protected Areas)、乡村区域的自然保护用地、生态公益林、自然保护小区、社区保护地、社会公益型保护地,以及自然圣境(如神山圣湖、风水林)等各类具有自然保护功能的土地。
3.2 实现中国自然保护地远景规模的可行性
首先,应用迪纳斯坦(Dinerstein)等对全球“自然需要一半”制图的研究数据,对中国陆地生态区(terrestrial ecoregion)的保护状态进行了初步统计。结果表明,“保护率已超过50%”(half protected)、“保护率可达到50%”(nature could reach half)、“可恢复的自然”(nature could recover),以及“受损的自然”(nature imperiled)这4类陆地生态区的总面积分别占国土面积的6.6%、21.7%、47.5%和23.6%[69](表1,图2),其中前2类与第3类部分区域的总和可达国土面积的50%。另外,对中国大陆国土尺度荒野地分布的初步研究表明,中国各等级荒野地的总和约占我国陆地国土面积的50%,同时在胡焕庸线西侧仍然分布有大面积的高质量荒野地[70]。上述区域包含了中国现存自然栖息地以及存在恢复潜力、有可能开展重野化(rewilding)的生态系统,这为实现中国自然保护地的远景规模提供了基础条件。
4 结语
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1965年生/男/陕西西安人/博士/清华大学建筑学院景观学系系主任,教授,博士生导师/研究方向为国家公园与自然保护地、世界遗产、风景园林理论与教育/本刊副主编(北京 100084)
1992年生/男/北京人/清华大学建筑学院景观学系在读博士研究生/研究方向为荒野、国家公园与自然保护地(北京 100084)
Discussion on the Long-term Target of Protected Area Coverage in China
Yang Rui, Cao Yue
The creation of China's National Parks and Protected Areas System is at a critical stage, and it is imperative to discuss the long-term target for China's protected areas coverage. In other words, how much of the national land area should be dedicated to or used for nature conservation, can it truly protect species and their habitats, and can it provide essential ecosystem services for the sustainable development of China's economy and society?
1 Why Study the Long-term Target of Protected Area Coverage in China?
The biodiversity crisis has become one of the biggest challenges faced by all countries in the world. China's rate of species extinction and ecosystem degradation are also a cause for concern. One of the most effective measures to deal with these crises is to establish an efficient and effective protected area network[1-4].
China's biodiversity has globally outstanding value[5-11]. The system to safeguard this (the protected area coverage) in China has reached 18%, of which 14.8% is nature reserves and the remaining part consists of a spatially overlapping system of designated scenic areas, forest parks, geological parks, water parks, wetland parks, urban wetland parks and desert parks.Despite 18% of China being in some type of nature protected area, with these areas playing a key role in nature conservation, biodiversity has continued to decline[12-16]. One crucial reason is that there are still obvious conservation gaps, i.e., some key areas of important biodiversity value still have no protection (some are intact, some are fragmented). In addition, insufficient ecological connectivity, inadequate ecosystem representation, and inadequate management effectiveness are important reasons for this continued decline. This demonstrates that, in general, China has not yet formed a truly effective spatial network for nature conservation.
Therefore, this paper proposes an initial, longterm target for total protected area coverage in China, with the purpose of providing evidence-based goals for the proposed optimum amount and effective practice of protected areas in China.
2 What Proportion of China's Land Area Should Be Protected, and Why?
2.1 The preliminary proposal of the long-term target of protected area coverage in China
Considering relevant scientific research and national ecological plans, we tentatively propose the long-term target of at least 50% of China's total land area as protected areas or other effective conservation areas. Additionally, it is crucial to further expand protected areas and enhance ecological connectivity, so as to truly contain the biodiversity loss and promote effective, systemic nature conservation.
Before explaining the basis for this 50% target, it is important to note several key characteristics of this target. 1) It corresponds to systemic and holistic nature conservation, which should include all types of protected areas in terms of management objectives and governance types. 2) It could serve as a long-term goal, rather than a short-term, phased goal. The increase of protected areas coverage may not be at a steady rate, while if the 50% target is to be achieved by 2050, the average annual growth of newly designated protected areas needs to reach 1% of the national terrestrial area, that is, an average of 100,000km2. 3) Such a target is still not necessarily ideal, since the ultimate goal of nature conservation is achieving 100% "sustainable development" throughout the country that, by definition, would include adequate wilderness and highfunctioning, connected areas to allow nature to flourish and also meet the needs of human society. 4) It is scale dependent, i.e., the 50% target is useful as a national scale for China, rather than being strictly and directly applicable to each region within China[17-20].
2.2 The relevant basis for the 50% target
2.2.1 Global scale
While formal protected area targets under the Convention on Biodiversity are currently 17% terrestrial and 10% marine, continued and mounting scientific research points to the need for much higher targets. In recent years, the Nature Needs Half initiative and the Half Earth Project, which have been developed based on scientific evidence with the ideal aim of protecting at least 50% of the Earth's area, are gaining increasing support from scientists and conservationists[21-26].
The core rationale of the Nature Needs Half initiative at the global scale is the fact that, in the face of the paradoxical phenomenon of "growth of protected areas and decline of biodiversity", it is necessary to set a higher target for nature conservation (and to encourage and enable ecological connectivity) based on scientific research into the ecological requirements and spatial needs of specific ecoregions. In addition, the 50% target is relevant when considering the globe in its entirety and cannot necessarily be directly applied to every specific country or ecoregion. Therefore, this paper's position is that we should not apply the global 50% target directly to China, and the specific numerical percentage of the long-term protected area coverage in China should be based on national and regional-scale scientific research.
2.2.2 National Scale
Numerous studies have demonstrated that obvious protection gaps exist in China, which means many important natural ecosystems and rare and endangered species have not yet been effectively protected[27-34]. Xu Weihua and others point-out that China's nature reserve network has a relatively high representation for mammals and birds, but not for plants, reptiles, amphibians, or key ecosystems services[35]. In summary, due to the obvious protection gap in natural protection areas in China, it is necessary to further expand the network of protected areas to cover all species groups.
In addition, existing studies already confirm that only by protecting more than 50% of China's land area can we effectively protect most of the existing natural habitats and thereby achieve a high level of ecological security. According to the National Ecological Function Zoning (2015 Revised Edition), the total area of the national, "extremely important" and "important" ecological protection areas is 5.482 million km2, or 57.1% of China's total land area. These areas can protect 75.9% of the remaining natural habitat in term of biodiversity conservation[36]. In addition, the total area identified by Yu Kongjian (et al) for high-level ecological security of biodiversity conservation is 5.442 million km2, or 56.7% of China's total land area[37].
According to relevant national ecological planning documents, the total amount of various types of areas identified as ecologically important (with overlapping areas cited in different documents) has already reached more than 50% of the national land area[38-39]. Although all of these areas are not narrowly defined as "protected areas", they are crucially important for ecological protection and include: 1) All types of designated protected areas, accounting for about 18% of the country's land area; 2) 25 National Key Ecological Function Areas identified in National Plan for Main Functional Areas (2010), accounting for 40.2% of the country's land area[40]; 3) 63 National Important Ecological Function Areas identified in the National Ecological Function Zoning Plan, accounting for 49.4% of the national land area[36]; 4) 32 China's Priority Areas for Biodiversity Conservation (for terrestrial and inland water), accounting for 24.2% of the land area[41]; 5) National Ecological Red-line Areas, the total national amount of which is not yet known[42]. Thus far, Ecological Red-line Areas have been delineated in 15 provinces and account for about 25% of the total area of these provinces[43], with the total for each province primarily over 30% of the specific provincial area[44].
2.2.3 Regional scale
Existing studies at regional scale[45-51]point out that there are obvious gaps in species conservation and ecosystem protection in different regions in China, and therefore an urgent need exists to further expand protected areas. Some of these studies propose specific conservation priority areas in the corresponding regions. Due to differences in research areas, protection objectives, and planning methods, the proportion of conservation priority areas set by them is different, roughly between 15% and 55%.
3 What Should Be Included in a China Nature Conservation Network? Is It Feasible to Protect 50% China?
3.1 Spatial Level of Nature Conservation Network
This paper proposes a China Nature Conservation Network that covers at least 50% of China's terrestrial area, using National Parks as the governance model, China's formal Protected Areas System as the chief component, and other effective conservation areas as supplemental. This proposal should not replace an ultimate, ideal goal of sustainable development on all terrestrial areas (Fig. 1)[52-63].
In order to realize the 50% target, we need to further expand existing protected areas. This can be achieved by giving priority to protecting new areas of important biodiversity and ecosystem services and enhancing the ecological connectivity between, and management effectiveness of, all protected areas. At the same time, the other effective conservation areas should be planned as corridors and buffer zones, so as to create an efficient, highly-functioning China Nature Conservation Network that is fully integrated across the Urban-Rural-Wild continuum.
This proposal is the preliminary concept for a China Nature Conservation Network. In the future, it will be necessary to comprehensively apply a variety of technological methods to further plan the protected area networks at various spatial scales including national, regional and local[64-68].
3.2 Is it possible to achieve the 50% target?
The preliminary statistics of the conservation status of the terrestrial ecoregions in China were applied using research data from Dinerstein et al (2017)[69]. The results showed that the total area of the "half protected", "nature can reach half", "nature could recover", and "nature imperiled" terrestrial ecoregions accounted for 6.6%, 21.7%, 47.5% and 23.6% of the national land area respectively (Tab. 1, Fig. 2). The sum of the former 2 categories and part of category 3 could reach 50% of the land area. In addition, the preliminary study of the distribution of wilderness areas in China indicates that the sum of wilderness areas in different classes take up to approximately 50% of the land area in China[70]. These areas contain the existing natural habitats and the ecosystems with potential for restoration and rewilding, thereby confirming the feasibility of achieving the 50% target.
4 Conclusion
In order to ensure the ultimate success of China's nature conservation, we call for at least 50% of China's land area to be designated as protected areas or other effective conservation areas. China's new era of ecological civilization must be supported by the new protected area system, which should be led by the long-term target. This paper is a preliminary discussion, and relevant scientific research still needs to be conducted. Our focus in this paper is to initiate the matter and stimulate further discussion on how to achieve the long-term target of protected area coverage in China.
(Editor / Liu Xinya)
Yang Rui, born in1965 in Xi'an, Shaanxi Province, Chair and professor of Department of Landscape Architecture at Tsinghua University, research area: national park and protected area, world heritage, theory and education of landscape architecture, Vice Editors-in-Chief of Chinese Landscape Architecture (Beijing 100084)
Cao Yue, born in1992 in Beijing, Ph.D. candidate in Department of Landscape Architecture at Tsinghua University, research area: wilderness, national park and protected area (Beijing 100084)