
Abiding by the Rules

Xue Rongjiu

The World Trade  Organization (WTO) was  established in 1995,  and China joined the  organization in 2001. In  order to join the WTO,  China had to agree to all of  the organization’s existing  agreements, covering trade  in goods, trade in services  and intellectual property  rights. On the occasion  of the 15th anniversary  of China’s admission to  the WTO in December  2016, Xue Rongjiu,  Vice Chairman of China  Society for WTO Studies,  shared his thoughts with  ChinAfrica on a wide  range of related topics,  including China’s gains  from and contributions  to the multilateral trade  organization, market  economy status, surrogate  country issues, and trade  protectionism. Edited  excerpts follow:῾῾    
“Since the reform  and openingup policy was  implemented in the  late 1970s, nearly  90 countries have  acknowledged  China as a market  economy, but  some countries  are still reluctant  to admit it in  order to restrain  China’s economic  development.  Article 15 and the  surrogate country  method are all  methods employed  by these countries  to restrain China’s  development.

Xue Rongjiu, Vice  Chairman of China  Society for WTO  Studies

AS China was one of the largest economies in the world, it was not treated  completely as a developing country when  it joined the WTO in 2001. Back then,  China was transforming from a planned  economy to a market economy. Therefore,  in addition to the nearly 30 multilateral  agreements, China was required to follow  some special terms and rules, including  transitional period examination, special  safeguard measures and Article 15.

Transitional period examination requires  China to report its policy implementation  and accept examination by other member  states. Special safeguard measures may  be taken when other countries are affected by imports from China. These WTO  members restrain imports from developing  countries such as China in order to protect  their domestic industries. The restraint  methods include growth rate restriction  and export quotas. Developed countries  took 10 years (1995-2005) to remove the  restriction. However, when it came to  2005, they especially postponed by three  more years canceling the restriction on  China. And China accepted it. Article 15  was exploited to use the surrogate country  method against Chinese exports. Under  the method, the authorities determine  whether or not to impose tariffs on the  basis of reference prices in a third country  rather than product prices in the exporting  country. The protocol, however, says that “in any event,” WTO members may not use  the surrogate country method against Chinese exports beyond the 15-year transition  period following China’s WTO accession.

Since China joined the WTO in 2001, it  has adhered to WTO rules and thus   benefited from the mechanism.

First, by following WTO rules, Chinese  enterprises have been protected in the  international trading environment. Second,  foreign enterprises are more willing to develop business in China because they can  be safeguarded by regulations in a more  developed trading environment. Third,  domestic awareness of abiding by laws and  regulations has been enhanced, so that  further progress can be made in political,  economic and social development.

Besides, as China has become the  world’s largest goods trader and the  second largest economy, the nation has  reached a higher international  position by virtue of which it can  participate to a greater extent and  have a larger say in global economic  governance.

Meanwhile, on November 8, 2016,  the European Commission released  a new legislative proposal, replacing  the “market economy” standard with  the principle of “market distortion.” Apparently, the European Union (EU) is  trying to please both China and European  industries vulnerable to imports from  China.

A container ship at Lianyungang port,  east China’s Jiangsu Province on August 8

China has been paying close attention  to Article 15 since the beginning of 2016,  with several senior government officials  stating that the EU should fulfill its due  obligation after the article’s expiration  on December 11. Unfortunately, the  United States and the EU don’t want  to terminate the clause. The European  Parliament has even passed a proposal  to deny China’s market economy status.  The Chinese Government and Chinese  scholars don’t think the European Parliament’s decision is appropriate. Now the  EU, partly influenced by China’s attitude,  has passed this new proposal in which  the EU has removed China from its list of  non-market economies but still sticks to  using the surrogate country method for  countries with market distortions. They  may terminate the clause while planning  to extend it through domestic legislation.

China deems it inappropriate for the  EU to extend the clause under a new  cover. If the EU passes the domestic  legislative proposal after the clause is  ended, China can sue the EU in the WTO  and solve problems via the WTO dispute  settlement mechanism. If the EU does  not accept the WTO verdict, China can  adopt counter measures authorized by  the WTO.

If the EU does not use the domestic legislative proposal as a method to  extend the surrogate country method,  Sino-EU economic and trade relations  will be advanced; otherwise, the relations  will be harmed.

In addition, the reluctance by some  countries to admit China’s market  economy status needs to be addressed.

First, no consistent concept of market  economy exists globally. According to the  WTO’s General Agreement on Tariffs and  Trade, if prices in a country are completely manipulated by the government,  the country is defined as a non-market  economy. Nowadays, 90 percent of  prices in China have been liberalized, so  China should not be defined as a nonmarket economy.

Second, there’s no unified definition of  a market economy in the United States  and the EU. Besides, their standards are  often politicized, making the situation  even more complicated.

China’s market economy, to some  extent, is in accordance with those of the  EU and the United States because they  function well in resource allocation. However, when market failures occur, people’s  lives are deeply affected. The 2008 global  financial crisis, which exposed lots of  problems and weaknesses of those market economies, first started in the United  States, the most developed market  economy in the world. Therefore, China  should learn to avoid such problems and  establish its own market economy with  Chinese characteristics.

A market economy with Chinese  characteristics has two sides: on the one  hand, we admit the basic functions of a  market economy; on the other hand, the  government will stand out as a “visible  hand” in case of market failures. Both  visible and invisible hands are employed  in our market economy.

Although China has its own problems  and is faced with a slow global economy,  it can maintain economic growth of 6  to 7 percent, which will also benefit the  global economy.

Since the reform and opening-up policy was implemented in the late 1970s,  nearly 90 countries have acknowledged  China as a market economy, but some  countries are still reluctant to admit it  in order to restrain China’s economic  development. Article 15 and the surrogate country method are all methods  employed by these countries to restrain  China’s development.

In regard to this development one  also needs to consider whether the WTO  multilateral trading system has in some  way been affected by mounting antiglobalization and trade protection.

The rise of trade protectionism happened after the eruption of the global  financial crisis in 2008 because some  countries tried to protect their own  manufacturers by not allowing products  made by foreign rivals to enter their  domestic markets.

The WTO functions as follows. Firstly,  if one randomly violates trade rules, others can report the violation to the WTO,  which can censure the perpetrator and  bring it onto the right track. Secondly,  if one’s behavior goes against the rules,  other countries can complain through  the dispute settlement mechanism. The  defendant must accept the verdict given  by the WTO panel.

Among all international economic  organizations, therefore, the WTO is  playing the biggest role in fighting antiglobalization and trade protection.

China has grown into a core WTO  member and will continue to embrace  the WTO-based multilateral trade system  in the future. Abiding by rules of the  system and helping the WTO grow into a  better organization is good for the global  economic recovery. CA


Through My Eyes

Abiding by the Rules

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