Folk custom tour starts from seeking for featured scenery and cultural marks.
Langfang doesn't lack humanistic characteristics. The culture of central Hebei has deeply influenced this land. Find a mansion in Shengfang Ancient Town to fall into a reverie of the past prosperity of the water town. Enter the Tianxia Diyicheng in Xianghe and ascend the pseudo-classic city wall to have a distant view, and the landscape will conjure up the battle scenes in ancient times. Visit the Folk Collection Museum,the largest country-level museum,the Bicycle Museum with the biggest collection in China,and the Memorial Half of the Beijing Opera actor Li Shaochun,you'll feel a strong flavour of history. Come to Gu'an to listen to Qujiaying ancient music—the living fossil of Chinese music and a product of the integration of music in North and South China, and you will cheer for the inheritance of traditional cultural treasure.
廊坊列入国家级非物质文化遗产的保护项目有21项、省级70项。 在这里,可以观中国最高的长明灯楼,钻“地下长城”宋辽古战道,赏老北京风情实景演出,看享誉全国的大厂评剧,购景泰蓝、花丝镶嵌、工艺柳编、秸秆扎刻、胜芳花灯、焦氏脸谱等冀中民间技艺精品,尝香河肉饼、古洼一锅鲜、驴肉火烧等“廊坊好味道”。
Langfang has 21 state level intangible cultural heritage items and 70 provincial level items. You can find the highest building containing an everlasting lamp in China,explore the "underground Great Wall" -the ancient war trail in the Song and Liao dynasties,enjoy real-life performance of old Beijing, watch Dachang Pingju Opera which is well-known in China, buy exquisite handicrafts in central Hebei like cloisonné, filigree inlay,artistic wickerwork,straw handicraft, Shengfang lantern and Jiao's mask,and savor delicacies of Langfang such as Xianghe meat pie,Guwa Yiguoxian and lvrou huoshao.